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Texas Priest Says Catholics Duty-Bound To Oppose Gay Marriage

Texas Priest Says Catholics 

Duty-Bound To 

Oppose Gay 



A Texas priest says Catholics are duty-bound to oppose the
 legalization of gay unions.

“Remember: Every single Catholic, out of fidelity to charity
and truth, has the absolute duty to oppose (1) the murder
of unborn babies, and (2) any and all government attempts
 to legalize homosexual unions.”
“Any Catholic who supports homosexual acts is, by definition,
committing a mortal sin, and placing himself/herself outside
 of communion with the Roman Catholic Church.”
Rodriguez does not mention what motivated him to write his
fiery op-ed, but in May the El Paso Times reported that a lesbian
couple had married in San Antonio after being turned down by
El Paso authorities. One of the women, Sabrina J. Hill, is transgender.
 Under Texas law she is considered a man, making her eligible to
marry her longtime girlfriend Therese “Tee” Bur. The story attracted
international headlines.
While Rodriguez urges followers to treat gay people with “love,
understanding and respect,” he quickly adds that “homosexual
acts lead to the damnation of souls.”
“Abortion and homosexual acts are unequivocally intrinsic moral
 evils. And friends, this objective truth doesn't depend on the
opinion of the majority. Frighteningly, if the majority chooses
to deny the objective moral order, then we will all suffer the
pestiferous consequences.”

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