
Showing posts with the label Homophobia in Government

Is GOP Speaker Mike Johnson Gay?

Tx.Border Patrol CustomsTwiter Acct W/Homophobic Remarks Against Biden, Buttigieg

Gay History Exhibit Moved Out Missouri State Capitol-The Colors got them Sick?

Homophobia is a Choice, In Poland Angry Protesters Are Trying to Teach The Nation That Fact

Top Polish Politician Feels Poland Has No problems So He's Got Nothing But to Pick on LGBT

How Our Forefathers Gay Activists Remade The Federal Government

In Japan, Straight People Unable to Bear Children Blast Lawmaker For Saying LGBT Were Unproductive because They can't Reproduce

Israel Knesset New Surrogacy Bill Excludes Gays

ICE Repudiation of Its OWN Rules Are Placing LGBT Detainees At Risk