
Showing posts with the label Nature

This Level of Fishing Will Lead to Chaos Remember Life began There

After Teen Cuts Down The Famous Sycamore Tree Now Cutting Beginning to Sprout

Scary Nature, it Hits Back with Catastrophic Consequences

Orca Whale Tears open Shark and Eats its Liver

“VIRUNGA” The Selfie Gorilla has Died in Her Caretakes' Hands

Do You Know Anyone Who Cuts Off Head to Get New Pretty Body? I know Politicians..

They Etched “TRUMP” on The Back of A Manatee

Why Our Rivers Turning Green and Yellow (1/3 Were Formerly Blue)

600 Gallons of Diesel in a barge Have Been Spilled in The Galapagos

Her Name is Sandra and Its Been Rule She is Neither an Orangutan Nor Human

For The First Time Giraffes Are Being Protected From Being Slaughtered

If Trump Does Not Care About Kids in Cages No AC, Water nor Toothbrushes Why Would He CareAbout Plastic Straws Killing Sea-Turtles?