{Page 2} What is Adamfoxie* Blog
Founded 2008- Every year this page gets a redo. We have had the facade change so many times becomes hard because we don’t want to lose the general look for which some identify us and know is us. But the brains are running...... Still, a new suit is needed for this old guy. 126, 000 stories and 6.5 Million reads.
Adamfoxie Salutes Frederick from Mass. and Ivette from Staten Island. Thank you for your support.
We need your help. Time to fix or throw away equipment for use but working equipment:
Adam Gonzalez
@adamfoxiemoneyWe will send you daily free headlines because of your support.
Now starting Feb 2022 you can order most pictures posted on adamfoxie. The only thing is for the picture to belong to adamfoxie and not rented. Most do belong to us. We have over 23,000 postings and each has at least one picture. We are already reaching 7 million readers in those 17 years.
The picture reproduction is 6x4 (if larger get an estimate) for $9.99 including shipping) You can order through Pay Pal to Adamfoxie blog Int. or Adam Gonzalez, Publisher Make sure you include the address where is to be shipped. Not responsible for wrong or incomplete addresses or mistakes by the Post Office. You can always refer to the date of order with a question to adamfoxie@gmail.com. subject 'picture'
If for whatever reason we need to communicate with you please make sure your email is included. The phone no. is voluntary.
🦊 Celebrating our 17th Year.
17+ years of experience together. Our eyes were kept wide open and shared what we thought you would be interested in knowing or should know.
adamfoxie.blogspot.com brings you the important LGBT news others ignore. It does not repost from gay sites [except out.sports.com only when an important athlete comes out]. Will post popular items from a different angle or contribute to our readers. Funny stories that are true always make a good post to make us smile.
🦊 Our Founder and Currently our Publisher is Adam Gonzalez in New York City
Subscribe free and spam-free, just click on the headline from your email. Sometimes there are stories with a short life for subscribers only (never a commercial inside the news portion unless it matters to the story) which you won't miss if you are a subscriber (currently and always free for those that subscribe now) in all other times the registered subscriber will get the story first unless there is breaking news.
Subscribe through Google or your page
*There will eventually be advertisers again.
goodbye Miami Bch. hello Living with the Ocean on one side and the
This site prides itself on being unique in the stories it publishes. Sometimes there is no sense in telling you something you already know unless there was a different angle to that story. We look for truthful news, not reported by general media, or if reported there is an important distinction we would like to make on our own reporting or through the posting of well-known mainstream media organizations.
At times you will see more than one source of where the story comes from and the different sites reporting on it. These sites will be mainstream media sites.
Adamfoxie blog International or adamfoxie blog Fights Fake news:(secure browsing)
More information if you are curious:
Thank you for your support. We can only stay here while you want us here(our readers).
Registered users will get the headlines as soon as the story is published. All you have to do to get these headlines is register with your email address and the titles of fresh new stories will pop spam-free in your inbox when they are published. We do not use nor sell any information and adamfoxie* DOES NOT have any application to identify any registered reader.
17+ years of experience together. Our eyes were kept wide open and shared what we thought you would be interested in knowing or should know.
adamfoxie.blogspot.com brings you the important LGBT news others ignore. It does not repost from gay sites [except out.sports.com only when an important athlete comes out]. Will post popular items from a different angle or contribute to our readers. Funny stories that are true always make a good post to make us smile.
🦊 Our Founder and Currently our Publisher is Adam Gonzalez in New York City
Subscribe free and spam-free, just click on the headline from your email. Sometimes there are stories with a short life for subscribers only (never a commercial inside the news portion unless it matters to the story) which you won't miss if you are a subscriber (currently and always free for those that subscribe now) in all other times the registered subscriber will get the story first unless there is breaking news.
Subscribe through Google or your page
*There will eventually be advertisers again.
We do not have rumors, fake news, or triviality(it's got to be funny and true). If it's here is good to know. |
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North Miami Beach, Last day of Work as Manager. Next, |
Gulf on the other. But when you have made a deal with the devil (partner) everywhere is hell.
What is adamfoxie*blog International?
No matter how well-informed we all are, it is very difficult to be aware of all the events that are happening in our country and the world that affect our community, at any one point. This is where adamfoxie* comes in. We do the leg (finger) work for you. We bring you the stories that are happening daily. Many times you will see stories here before they hit the general media. On some other times later because they have been published but are only available to email subscribers.
This site prides itself on being unique in the stories it publishes. Sometimes there is no sense in telling you something you already know unless there was a different angle to that story. We look for truthful news, not reported by general media, or if reported there is an important distinction we would like to make on our own reporting or through the posting of well-known mainstream media organizations.
At times you will see more than one source of where the story comes from and the different sites reporting on it. These sites will be mainstream media sites.
Adamfoxie blog International or adamfoxie blog Fights Fake news:(secure browsing)
Thank you for your support. We can only stay here while you want us here(our readers).
We welcome your opinions and we have a section for you after every story. Go ahead and use it just without the longer advertising links. We won't edit your comment. It either goes or does not. Sometimes it takes a little longer for the system to scan and approve it, so be patient. 99% will be published.
@ adamfoxie* all titles are created by the blog, even if the content of the posting belongs to someone else(credit always is given). You will always know who the content belongs to or through what 'via' it came. An exception to this is when the blog is asked to post everything as it appears in a publication or writer’s blog anonymously. All articles have a Label of Category, you have a Library on the Home page that allows you to check any item by Label also you have an ‘archive' by title and dates. You can go back years to every single posting from adamfoxie* We have about half a million posts for you to access.
© 2008-2022 adamfoxie.blogspot.com All Rights Reserved
ADAMFOXIE*Registered Domain Name under Adamfoxie Blog International*(license icon). The Picture of the Grey/white female adult fox has been obtained as a logo for this site.
The picture logo was chosen and then obtained by paying its dues to Getty. The logo (fox described) shall not be used to represent any other entity or to represent any other work or entity but adamfoxie or adamfoxie blog or Adamfoxie Blog International or Adamfoxie Blogspot. is also part of this site and logo. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share. Template by Awesome Inc. Powered by blogger and name licensed by Google+
adam@adamfoxie.com (business email)
Every Page on this blog is secured by encryption. Take your time, you will be parking in a secure spot and the meter is not running like on other sites. It is also FREE. You will not be bothered by pop-ups or commercials asking to buy or for donations. We have a donation box and we were shy about it but needed to put it out, otherwise, we don't talk about it. But actually, if you would like to hear this blog the best way is to use PayPal if not Google Wallet. Do Not use Facebook. You can also use your bill pay and end to Pay Pal with our email and name.
© 2008-2022 adamfoxie.blogspot.com All Rights Reserved
ADAMFOXIE*Registered Domain Name under Adamfoxie Blog International*(license icon). The Picture of the Grey/white female adult fox has been obtained as a logo for this site.
The picture logo was chosen and then obtained by paying its dues to Getty. The logo (fox described) shall not be used to represent any other entity or to represent any other work or entity but adamfoxie or adamfoxie blog or Adamfoxie Blog International or Adamfoxie Blogspot. is also part of this site and logo. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share. Template by Awesome Inc. Powered by blogger and name licensed by Google+
adam@adamfoxie.com (business email)
Every Page on this blog is secured by encryption. Take your time, you will be parking in a secure spot and the meter is not running like on other sites. It is also FREE. You will not be bothered by pop-ups or commercials asking to buy or for donations. We have a donation box and we were shy about it but needed to put it out, otherwise, we don't talk about it. But actually, if you would like to hear this blog the best way is to use PayPal if not Google Wallet. Do Not use Facebook. You can also use your bill pay and end to Pay Pal with our email and name.
"Adamfoxie*Blog International. What is Important to Us *Fresh*Current*Provocative
*We provide a feed of stories daily to Facebook, Twitter, Google Registered users will get the headlines as soon as the story is published. All you have to do to get these headlines is register with your email address and the titles of fresh new stories will pop spam-free in your inbox when they are published. We do not use nor sell any information and adamfoxie* DOES NOT have any application to identify any registered reader.
Fair use is a limitation and exception to the exclusive right granted by copyright law to the author of a creative work. In United States copyright law, fair use is a doctrine that permits limited use of copyrighted material without acquiring permission from the rights holders. Examples of fair use include commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching, library archiving, and scholarship. It provides for the legal, unlicensed citation or incorporation of copyrighted material in another author's work under a four-factor balancing test. The term fair use originated in the United States. A similar principle, fair dealing, exists in some other common law jurisdictions. Civil law jurisdictions have other limitations and exceptions to copyright
The owner and Founder is Adam Gonzalez of NY, NYC

adamfoxie.blogspot.com is now associated with Google Analytics property http://adamfoxie.blogspot.com
To: Webmaster of adamfoxie.blogspot.com,