
Showing posts with the label Anti Trans

A Trans Soldier is Attack in Ukraine and It Highlights Change Needed

New Org Aims to Help Transgender People Flee The U.S.{Who Else Wants to Leave?}

Jules Hoffman. Star in YouTube Suffers Backlash For Being Nonbinary Transgender

Elon Musk Suggested Doctors who Help Trans Kids Should "Go to Prison for Life"

The Crazy Right Wants to Boycott Hershey Because She Appeared (Trans)on a Commercial

Misinformed State Senator Wants to Fine U $1500 If U Refer to a Transgender by The Gender They Were Born

Thousands of Trans Kids To Loose Health Insurance

Bigot Senate Candidate Buys Commercial to Put Down A Trans 22 PA.

Netflix Employees Walk Out on Protest to Chappell’s Anti Trans Comments-Netflix Admits Goofing