Talking Cents About ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’
For anyone that reads on a regular basis, you know that I’m a staunch supporter or President Obama. I am very happy with the efforts he’s put forth in many areas concerning LGBT rights, but as big of supporter as I am, I’m not blinded by my favor.
I completely understand that repealing DOMA and DADT is something that has to be a process. I understand these are laws that have been on the books for years and I know that laws need to be changed through a judicial or legislative process, and I know that too can take time.
However, even with my seemingly unwavering support for the first President to ever acknowledge that LGBT Americans should have rights, I still see, and know that yes, President Obama could stop the senseless discharges of those who have fallen victim to the discriminatory law of DADT by halting the process through an executive order until the law is either repealed, or kept in place, even if only from an economic standpoint, which should be the least of it, it makes perfect ‘cents’.