Should Gibraltar Hardware Support a Musician Who Advocates Violence Toward Gays?

Bradlee Dean is a deeply devout man. So devout, that he chastises Christians who don't believe that the Bible calls for the death penalty for people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender. Dean also believes that, "on average," LGBT people molest more than 100 people before they're "discovered." And on his radio show this past weekend, Dean went on a lengthy rant threatening LGBT people. He wants to teach gay folks a lesson for spreading homosexuality throughout the country.
Talk about fringe. Bradlee Dean sure doesn't sound like a man that politicians or companies would like to buddy up with, right?
Wrong. Look no farther than current Minnesota candidate for governor, Tom Emmer, who has given Bradlee Dean money in order to support his crusade against gays and lesbians. Or look to Rep. Michele Bachmann, who has participated in joint GOP fundraisers with Bradlee Dean, and celebrated his work to foster homophobia. Together, both Dean and Rep. Bachmann have banded together under the slogan "Empower patriots to be on the offense." Apparently that means creating a climate where violence and discrimination toward LGBT people is completely normal and appreciated.
But it's not just politicians who celebrate Dean's work. Check out Gibraltar Hardware, a leading maker of drumsets and percussion hardware. They're pretty chummy with Dean, who when he's not leading a radio show that crusades against gays and lesbians, leads a religious rock band ministry that does just the same, called You Can Run But You Cannot Hide.
Gibraltar operates under the motto of helping "the greatest names in percussion" become the best names in the music business. And on their Web site, Gibraltar champions Bradlee Dean as someone who "has rocked this nation," proudly listing him as among the best in the music industry using Gibraltar products. But does Gibraltar really want the endorsement of a musician with such violent and extreme positions against LGBT people? Perhaps it's time to send the company a message to let them know how Bradlee Dean feels about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
Bradlee Dean's controversial views have created quite the summer stir-up already. His affiliation with the candidacy of Tom Emmer, in fact, is one of the leading reasons why LGBT people were so offended when Target, previously one of the most LGBT-friendly companies around, chose to give money to Emmer. How can a company both love its gay customers, and support a politician who pals around with Dean's ministry, which openly calls for violence against gays and lesbians and purports the myth that pedophilia is synonymous with homosexuality?
The Target brouhaha caught the attention of Dean this past weekend, who on his radio show suggested that Target was being forced to apologize for giving money to Emmer, and forced to support marriage equality, which Bradlee Dean seems to think is as evil and corrupt as murder.
“Let me ask you something, folks. Why did Target apologize? They apologized to them that are going after your children through an illegal agenda called gay marriage,” Dean said. (Editor's Note: Target hasn't actually officially apologized for anything yet, and has stood by their donation to Tom Emmer's campaign.)
But Dean didn't just keep his conversation to Target's political contributions. He also started to take a few swipes at the LGBT community, issuing what sure seems like a veiled threat to those who support gay rights.
"And I say to the homosexual communities, I love you enough to tell you the truth, but you better get off the kids because, America, they are after your kids. That’s what it is about,” Dean said. "Get your hands off those kids, and I’m not asking. I’m telling you to get your hands off those kids, because there’s people all over the country standing up because they are seeing the real intent as to what is going on.”
Perhaps Dean should be focused on all those "child predators" who way more often than not identify as heterosexual. But whatever, Dean's linking of pedophilia and homosexuality, while not scientifically or sociologically sound at all, is something he's done time and time again.
The real issue is why would a company like Gibraltar, or a politician like Emmer, think that associating their brand to this man would be a good thing? By default, aren't they holding up a dangerous man with rather violent positions?
That's why it's worth an email to Gibraltar Hardware, letting them know that they're giving free publicity to a man who would much rather see LGBT people in jail, or six feet underground. Maybe they appreciate his music. But can you really separate Bradlee Dean's music from his politics?

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