Sally Kern: Gays Want "Equality and Freedom," and Must Be Stopped
The Oklahoma State Representative earned national infamy in 2008 by claiming gay people are worse than terrorists. "I honestly think [homosexuality is] the biggest threat our nation has, even more so than terrorism or Islam — which I think is a big threat, okay?" the fiercely conservative Kern insisted. "This stuff is deadly, and it's spreading, and it will destroy our young people, it will destroy this nation."
Kern's latest comments carry the same tune, yes, but her message gets lost amidst the politically convoluted background noise of her own creation. "[There is] a group of homosexual millions who for years have been working secretly to change the society of America — the political side of America — so that there will be freedom and equality for everyone,"Kern warned at the "Wake Up, America!" conference earlier this month.
Translation: gay people must be stopped because they're trying to spread two of the United States' ultimate ideals: freedom and equality. Wait, don't terrorists have to be stopped because they're trying to destroy freedom and equality? I'm confused, and Kern is, too.
I wonder how this will play in her reelection campaign .