NFL Player Tells True Blood to Stay in the Closet
Given the homoerotic leanings of True Blood this season, a celebrity or talking head was bound to say something stupid about the show's gay-themed story arcs. It was more predictable than Pat Robertson's comments during a natural disaster. We just didn't know it would come from an NFL player (though in a sense, this makes perfect sense, no?).
The comments came from Philadelphia Eagles lineman Todd Herremans, who tweeted the following this week:
"So.. caught up on Trueblood last nite.. Not a fan of how they get u hooked with the 1st 2 seasons then bring on a barrage of homosexuality.."
After the initial shitstorm, Herremans backpedaled a bit, saying: "I have no issues with homosexuality, to each his/her own. . . Its just not for me."
First off, since when does anyone care what an NFL lineman thinks? These guys aren't paid millions to solve complex math equations or give their opinions on popular entertainment. They're paid to bend over, wrap their arms around other strong men and…wait…what!?
Second…really?! Did you not realize you were watching an Alan Ball show? Did concussions cause you to black out every time Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis) was on screen the first two seasons or did you just think he was a field goal kicker? Yes Todd, I'm certain this was Ball's sadistic plan from the very beginning in order to lure men over to the dark side: "First I'll introduce Lafayette, but I'll make him a drug dealer so as to distract viewers from his gayness. In Season Two, I'll focus on rampant heterosexual orgies to get viewers subconsciously used to the gay lifestyle. Then…WHAM…get ready for wang central in Season Three!"
The Eagles rightly swooped in, removing Herremans' tweets from his Twitter page. Herremans then tweeted two apologies in quick succession, using actual grammar in order make them more sincere and believable:
"After speaking with Eagles management, I realize that my tweet earlier was insensitive and tasteless, and for this, I deeply apologize."
"It was not my intention to offend or hurt anyone."
Written like a true PR firm.
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