Lesbian and gay community will protest against the cardinal in Guadalajara, Mexico

Hundreds of members of the gay and lesbian community in Jalisco will manifest themselves for two days, Saturday and next Sunday, opposite the Metropolitan Cathedral of Guadalajara, in a day of protests over claims "discriminatory" Cardinal Juan Sandoval Iñiguez against this population.

Isidro Garcia Bañuelos, director of the Lesbian and Gay Committee of the West AC (Colleague), announced that the most popular are expected during Sunday Mass, at 12:00.

"It will be a protest against the discriminatory statements of Cardinal, a language that has long been maintained. It is an affront against the community is not new, "he said.

The leader of colleagues point out that it is expected the participation of at least five members of civil organizations.

"We estimate that we accompany more than 300 people, which are those we have already confirmed, and even join civil society," he said.

Protests against Guadalajara Cardinal begin on Saturday, to remonstrate with his foul language and discrimination related to the legalization of marriages between same sex and the possibility that they adopt children, organizers of it.

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