Homophobia as a Political Campaign Tool

Homophobia as a Political Campaign Tool
It’s nothing new for politicians, especially Republican politicians looking to secure the conservative and religious right vote, to use LGBT issues as a device to gain support.  But, just as I pointed out in my post about Bob Vander Plaats, the Iowan GOP gubernatorial candidate that lost in the primary, it would appear that other’s are banking on homophobia to give them an edge, even though polls in both states demonstrate a different view on the issue.  But, that hasn’t stopped Florida AG Bill McCollum from spewing his anti-gay rhetoric and voicing his lack of understanding there should be a separation of church and state while standing next to none other than G. W. Bush’s brother Jeb, the former GOP Governor of Florida. Below is a video of McCollum stating LGBT citizens aren’t fit to parent or foster children.
The only hope for the state of Florida at this point is the slim chance a Democrat will take the Governor’s seat as McCollum’s GOP rival Rick Scott has also staked his claim against LGBT rights


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