First Gay Kiss In Brazilian TV
Responsible for first gay kiss in Brazilian television - shown in the canvass of the PSOL - the film director Peter Ekman shows itself surprised by the success of the video. He took the opportunity to attack the TV schedule open, he calls the "retrograde".
- What is shocking is that you're not used to seeing it on TV. On the street, you see even more. The shock is the conservatism of the TV. Society accepts this fact much more than what is reflected in the media.
Ekman is not advertiser, marketer and do not usually campaign. He majored in architecture, but began working with video. Affiliated to PSOL, helped with the film's candidate for governor of SĂ£o Paulo, Paulo Bufalo, "partly because not much money."
The trend, he says, is that you let your architect's license to work in television. But he emphasizes: "I have no question of having a successful career in TV Globo or none of the major broadcasters. I'll dig out my space where I think it's important."
In a statement to the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo, Globo said the criticism of the press that the political timetable that was most daring soap operas. Said: "We do not think our entertainment category novels are the appropriate vehicles to address social issues."
- The answer is funny, because when it is appropriate, she says that the novel serves to make "social merchandising." When they ought not, however, she says that does not fit that. It's the old and good response of convenience
Dayanne Sousa
Terra Magazine...