A Blast from The Blast


Unintentional Sexuality: A Blast from the Past
If we could just get back to a simpler time.  Baseball and apple pie!  You know, When a woman’s place was in the kitchen, Black people in the south had to drink from separate water fountains, and there weren’t any gay people, just like that old “All in the Family” theme song that claims, “when girls were girls and men were men”.  Then we wouldn’t have to worry about gay marriage and ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’.  We could also have ad campaigns that showed naked men together without anyone ever thinking anything sexual.  Because we all know that prior to the sexual revolution of the 1960’s, no one ever thought about sexual intercourse and there weren’t any gay people…right?
Well, we don’t know about all that, but we do know that the Huffington Post has a hilarious piece on ads from the past that were, well, rather sexual in nature…maybe innocently…or perhaps those ‘Mad Men’ of advertising just knew the power of subliminal, or perhaps not so subliminal messages, and also knew even if the thought was there, it was way too much of a taboo to be mentioned.
The pic below is one of those ads.  CLICK HERE to see the rest.  It’s hilarious!

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