(ALL-in-ONE) Oral Sex, One Bad Dude, Stabbing, Extortion, Craig List, One Minor and HIV

                                       Elliot Youden                       (aka) Fat Man, Dirt Bag

I reported on the story when Elliot Youden, the adult acting worse than a very bad minor was charge for having sex with a minor and not telling him he was HIV. As in a box of chocolates you never know what you got until you tasted all of them. On this trial which we could not report too many specifics before because it involves a minor,. When all the chips were in everything came out differently as it was talked about before and during the trial. 

We don’t know wether a 16 yr old boy that placed an ad for sex at Craig list was doing it to experiment on sex or to sell sex. What we know now is the 16 yr old became the victim. The bad guy who used the boy to both get sex and money…What a deal! But as in life everything that goes around comes around. The dirt bag which I will keep referring to Elliot as dirt bag, because he is and fat man not just because he is but because it sounds more realistic and drama-like.

 Elliot Youden had a conversation with the minor and tried to get him to come to him for sex. Somehow the minor changed his mind but the dirt bag of Elliot Youden had the conversation in text and use that to bring the minor to him with threads of divulging the conversation and texts to the minor’s family and the world, that he was going to have sex with a man and was gay. Not only did Elliot had the minor blow him but he also asked the boy for $500.00

Desperate the poor kid went in search of the money and could only raised less than half. The teenager came back with the loot but he was so desperate and piss off that he brought a knife also. It is not known wether the kid brought the knife with him to scare the ‘fat man’ or to do real damaged. He had to borrow some of the money from his mom and even then he only had less than half than the guy asked. Just imagine the desperation on the this kid’s face. I can see it and it makes mad! He figured that fat man had him by his little balls and was not letting go. What a disaster and turn of events. 
This is not what he had in mind when he thought he was being sleek by placing that ad on Craig list. So when the teenager came with the loot the fat man tried to intimidate him more but this time the kid stabbed this dirt bag. Strangely and in a way that it is almost funny it was the fat man who had to call the police to get help for his wound. 

The fat man made up a story about the kid robbing him and staving him. He forgot to mentioned he was extorting the money from the kid, having sex with a minor and not mentioning that he was HIV.   A simple blow job was not going to damage the already embarrassed kid but the laws on HIV have not change in most places where some believed that even a kiss would give a person AIDS. So he was charge with putting this kids life in danger even though that stupid charge did not stick because it was a stupid charge and overreached by the Prosecutor. The only thing that sticked was the bad breath from doing a dirt bag fat man.

In this case the Police in Ottowa was not going to buy the story of the fat man besides the kid was already at his last nerve and he spilled the whole enchilada to the cops. Now who was in trouble? 
 Yes you guessed it. 

This is how it was reported in the Ottawa Sun.com today:
An HIV-positive man warned by police against extortion quietly pleaded guilty last week to demanding $500 from a 16-year-old boy he met online.
Elliott Youden, 33, copped to a single count of extortion. A charge of aggravated sexual assault -- laid because he'd allegedly not disclosed his HIV-positive status during a sexual encounter with the boy -- was withdrawn.
Youden got two years of probation and the equivalent of 90 days of time served.
The former public servant was arrested on Sept. 27 after calling the cops claiming he'd been stabbed.
In testimony at Youden's Oct. 1 bail hearing -- which can now be reported because his case is resolved -- Det. Anne Menard said officers learned Youden had met the boy on Craigslist and arranged to meet for sex.
The boy got cold feet but Youden threatened to expose the teen's trawling for gay sex, Menard said.
He demanded $500.
The boy could only come up with $200 -- he borrowed $60 from his mother -- and he met Youden at the man's apartment.
According to Menard, oral sex took place then the boy stabbed Youden in the abdomen.
She also testified that cops had cautioned Youden after an April 2014 encounter in which he allegedly threatened to expose a government defence employee for surfing Craigslist for sex.
"Mr. Youden was officially warned by the detective about extortion," Menard said, adding no charges were laid.
Youden was acquitted in June of an unrelated aggravated sex rap stemming from a 2010 encounter with a young man.
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