A Decapitation, Did We Supplied The Knife?

You will see on this video what it seems like a captured Syrian soldier decapitated in the middle of the street.  If indeed this a soldier and these rebels hand out justice that way, how would they hand out justice in they wear in power? They want USA to bomb and help them? Currently we are giving them financial and weapons help. Why?
Didn’t we lear the lesson that Egypt taught us.  These people are not ready for prime time and it is idiotic to continue a long term policy since WWII to intervene in other nations political and military problems. If anyone had any doubts that we should not bomb and stayed out of this civil war I think this video with what happened in Egypt which after having a vote they got someone worse than the despot they replaced. Enough of throwing our money away. Money that we say we are going to cut from Social Security, or Medicare or education or pay on the debt or just buy school lunches with it or just give it back to the tax payers and help the people that really suffering from this down turn.
Adam Gonzalez

Images of a Decapitation

