50 Shades of Grey’s Charlie Hunnam’s Gay Sex Scenes

50 Shades of Grey’s Charlie Hunnam’s gay sex scenes unearthed - watch his Queer As Folk stint here!

 Charlie Hunnam’s not sexy enough. Charlie Hunnam’s not famous enough. Blah, blah, blah. From the moment it was announced that the Sons of Anarchy star had snagged the role of Christian Grey in the highly anticipated film adaptation of 50 Shades of Grey, most talk has revolved around the negative.

Not only have we heard fans venting their anger over the decision, but we’ve learned that author E.L. James apparently wanted someone else, too – Robert Pattinson – and that a number of other actors, including Ryan Gosling, turned down the part before it was offered to Hunnam.

Well, guess what, ladies and gentlemen, not only is Charlie steeeeeamy, he’s also got some serious talent when it comes to acting and isn’t afraid to take on and transform into any character that's thrown his way.

Need proof? How about his stint on TV series Queer As Folk? Just check him out in action with Game Of Thrones' Aidan and you’ll see what we mean.

...Yup, gay or straight, Charlie Hunnam is one sexy man.

PS: OK, so these steamy scenes weren’t exactly unearthed, they’ve always been around, except no one really paid any attention to them before. As an apology for our misleading article title, though, here's a GIF to make it all better!
