In Louisiana Was Just A Case of a Sheriff That Did Not Know The Law: ( Law Suits Can Commence NOW!)
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The Sheriff has agreed to meet with CCA and Equality Louisiana (EQLA) and to release a statement that the “crimes against nature” law will no longer be enforced. It is our intention to discuss the appointment of an LGBT liaison to the Sheriff’s Office and the Sheriff’s intentions to work with the legislature to remove this unconstitutional law from the books.
You have the case of an ignorant of the law-law enforcer then to the mix you ad homophobia.
We reported this yesterday as I followed the story develop thanks to the Advocate. Nothing much to say except there was so much press and thus pressure from bloggers (not from regular media) that someone most’ve told this guy that he was opening himself and his parish district to federal and individul’s law suits that would have taken his brand new shiny Harley Davidson away. That was too much was this homophobe to take. Hopefully he’s seen the light and will start protecting his citizen’s from the home invasions and robberies which do happen there kinda frequently.
Now Im not going to be too harsh on this Sheriff because NY Sheriff and Commish on orders from the biggest mayor on this United States on his second term started arresting patrons to porno book stores. I didn’t even know they still had those, but he was sending real cute semi gay cops to the stores and either inside or outside the good looking cop would propose to a guy he saw looking at gay porno and if they guy said yes or didn’t say no right away he would get busted. We came loudly against that, but it wasn’t until the law suits started coming in and dismissal and criticism of the few that dared fight the case the mayor quietly stopped.
We also have to thank the city council and it’s speaker Chris Quinn Now running for that mayor’s seat. They did not like what the mayor was doing at all. He was not sending cops to the tidy bars but it was just geared towards closeted and married gay and bisexual men. Hopping that they will take it and keep quiet which many did being to embarrassed. But his game ended when the first one spoke up.
So just went I pointed my fingers to Louisiana I remember how many millions we lost on that little idea of the big mayor of NYC.
What to be learn? Speak up and when you are wronged if you have ‘really’ been wronged.
Adam Gonzalez
The Sheriff has agreed to meet with CCA and Equality Louisiana (EQLA) and to release a statement that the “crimes against nature” law will no longer be enforced. It is our intention to discuss the appointment of an LGBT liaison to the Sheriff’s Office and the Sheriff’s intentions to work with the legislature to remove this unconstitutional law from the books.
You have the case of an ignorant of the law-law enforcer then to the mix you ad homophobia.
We reported this yesterday as I followed the story develop thanks to the Advocate. Nothing much to say except there was so much press and thus pressure from bloggers (not from regular media) that someone most’ve told this guy that he was opening himself and his parish district to federal and individul’s law suits that would have taken his brand new shiny Harley Davidson away. That was too much was this homophobe to take. Hopefully he’s seen the light and will start protecting his citizen’s from the home invasions and robberies which do happen there kinda frequently.
Now Im not going to be too harsh on this Sheriff because NY Sheriff and Commish on orders from the biggest mayor on this United States on his second term started arresting patrons to porno book stores. I didn’t even know they still had those, but he was sending real cute semi gay cops to the stores and either inside or outside the good looking cop would propose to a guy he saw looking at gay porno and if they guy said yes or didn’t say no right away he would get busted. We came loudly against that, but it wasn’t until the law suits started coming in and dismissal and criticism of the few that dared fight the case the mayor quietly stopped.
We also have to thank the city council and it’s speaker Chris Quinn Now running for that mayor’s seat. They did not like what the mayor was doing at all. He was not sending cops to the tidy bars but it was just geared towards closeted and married gay and bisexual men. Hopping that they will take it and keep quiet which many did being to embarrassed. But his game ended when the first one spoke up.
So just went I pointed my fingers to Louisiana I remember how many millions we lost on that little idea of the big mayor of NYC.
What to be learn? Speak up and when you are wronged if you have ‘really’ been wronged.
Adam Gonzalez