Harvey Fierstein on Homophobic Sci.Fi Author Orson Scott Card

"Look at that asshole [Orson Scott Card] that wrote this new Harrison Ford movie [Ender's Game]. I think that you can have any opinion you want, but at least be willing to take the consequences of your opinion. It's like, 'Well, I hope that people will be more understanding,' or what did he say? 'More tolerant of my views.' The quotes that got me about him weren't against gay marriage -- he wanted homosexuality criminalized in the United States. That's what he called for. You want me to be tolerant of you wanting to criminalize homosexuality? Fuck you on your grave, you piece of shit.”

My amazement of how many gay and gay friendly’s have come on the defense on this homophobe that believe that homosexuals like ‘Us” should be outlawed. What should the penalty be; Civil, Criminal or Zimbawe’s answer whose Prexsident today blasted Obama for withholding money from him, like he worked for it and then said that gays should be beheaded.

Harvey, we love you     

Adam Gonzalez                                  
 HR Inside your home with the Enterprise Not done by a homophobe
