Anti-Gay Freedom of Speech Suit Dismissed
Days after the passing of Prop 8 in California, a community college student named Jonathan Lopez gave a speech in class against same-sex marriage and half way through his homophobic spiel, the instructor cut him off and said that his speech was offensive to some students. Lopez decided to sue the instructor…and won!
Now mind you, this wasn’t a matter of freedom of speech, this was a class assignment which is why I sounded off when a judge ruled in favor of Lopez. But, the school appealed the decision and now justice has been served.
According to a post on Mercury News:
A federal appeals court has tossed out the lawsuit of a California community college student who claimed that a teacher illegally berated him in class for making a speech opposing same-sex marriage.
Remember folks, there’s a time and place for everything, and when you’re in school, the appropriateness of your class assignment is subject to the instructor’s discretion.