NOM: An Old Dog Doing Old Tricks

September 27, 2010  
NOM: An Old Dog Doing Old Tricks
For some reason I’m not shocked by this, but am amazed that any legislative, or judicial branch would even allow this to waste tax payer dollars.
But, NOM is also insisting that just because they endorse a candidate (as they are listed on Robitaille’s website) doesn’t mean they are PAC, so therefore they shouldn’t have to comply with state campaign finance laws, so they have filed suit against the state of Rhode Island in federal court.
In the lawsuit filed last week, NOM claimed they shouldn’t have to report their expenditures or comply with spending limits or bans that are required for political action committees because they don’t consider themselves a Political Action Committee and even if they were, the rules established for PACs are a burden and interfere with the freedom of speech.
Now being that NOM has been involved in endorsing and financially supporting many anti-gay candidates across the country, and considering the millions they’ve spent on ballot initiatives to maintain legalized discrimination, I’m not sure if they’re aware of the definition of a PAC, but I suppose they figure since they’re fighting to protect the sanctity of marriage and the country from the ruins that same-sex marriage causes, they should be exempt.
I could only hope at this point they lose their lawsuit and it cost them an arm and a leg in the process.

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