Why Trump Lies About Everything? Even His Father Being Born in Germany-Lie!

Donald Trump and his father Fred, very much not in Germany

Barck Obama was not born in Kenya (Hawaii) and Donald Trump father was not born in Germany
(NYC). Some lie because they can't help themselves. I had a partner like that. I discovered within six months of our relationship and then it got worse, to the point I could not trust this person but the lies were thrown at everyone with a mixture of truth but the amazing part was there was no reason to lie on all instances.  Tell him to lie for you to the in-laws, etc. and then he had a problem with it. Unlike the person that lies because they can't help themselves such as my ex, Trump's many lies are based on one reason only, a well thought out reason: to make him look good under every circumstance. The birther lie was to make a Popular Senator becoming President a job he was licking his chops for but never thought as he once said stupid enough people to vote for him. A racist way to put doubts on other bigots. Did it worked/ Like magic on ignorant bigots. Even today some of those people will still say, President Obama was born in Africa and his Hawaii birth certificate is a fake. Dishonest people always believe what is convenient for them!

Like any wise leader, Donald Trump knows bad news should always be followed by a compliment. 

So perhaps that was why, in a recent interview in which he threatened to impose tariffs on European countries that did business with Iran and said the EU was “possibly as bad as China, just smaller”, the president added a touching personal detail.
It was one that spoke of his emotional attachment to the continent he was trashing. 
“I was there many, many years ago,” he said. “Meaning, my parents were born in the European Union. I love these countries; Germany, Scotland, they are still in there right?”
Last week, as Trump has careened across Europe, he repeated his touching tale. In an interview recorded in Scotland, he said: “Don’t forget both of my parents were born in EU sectors – my mother was Scotland, my father was Germany.”

It was heartwarming stuff. It wasn’t true, but it was heartwarming. Trump’s mother, Mary MacLeod, was indeed born in Scotland, on the island of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides. But his father, Fred Trump, was born in New York City, in the United States of America. Not Germany. 
Fred Trump took over the family real estate business as a teenager and made vast sums before passing the reins to his son. 
Fred Trump’s father, Friedrich Trumpwas born in Germany, in the sleepy village of Kallstadt. He left for America at 16 and worked as a barber in Manhattan before heading west. 
He lived in Washington state for a while and in the Yukon, in Canada, he sold horse meat and other “services” to gold miners. 

Friedrich returned to Germany but was kicked out for skipping military service. His son barely left New York. Until the 1980s, though, he pretended he was of Swedish ancestry, which he felt would be more palatable to many of his Jewish tenants.
His son repeated the Swedish claim in his bestselling book, The Art of the Deal, then flirted with a run for the White House in 2000. His political ambitions were really fueled years later, though, by his leadership of the “birther” movement, which insisted Barack Obama was born in Kenya and thus could not be president. 
That wasn’t true. Neither is it true that Trump’s own dad was born abroad.
