Can You Abolish or Break Up ICE? BBC Informs You Through This Video

The border is been used by GOP Presidents (the idea of the wall first came from Pres.Bush and abandoned because of the cost and because it wasn't working) but particularly by the present President as a political tool or issue. Perhaps that is why the issue is never gone away only gotten worse. Isn't time to stop and reassess what to do? If something doesn't work and the problem just gets bigger and very uglier, when you get a President without scrupples who never thinks how his descissions affect people or the nation; Only how it affects his family finances and for him politicly. Nothing else matters even if we have to make nice with our enemies by throwing our institutions under the bus.

If we stop looking at the problem politicly and look at it in a scientific way we could change this problem that is obvious to me some politicians like to keep alive for their own political purposes.
You figure out what is really wrong and what you would need to solve the problem. Not just to make it better but to solve it.

Scientifically we have the tool to patrol the border even without human beings. We did it in Syria and are doing it in the war in Afghanistan and Iraq fighting the Taliban now and 'dash' before that. We have soldiers there but they have the help of technology to know where the enemy is.

There are areas, the most famous being area 51, Los Alamos in which we keep off the public. No one can go there unless they are permitted to go. How do they have been doing it? These places use electronics to control the traffic in those areas. We could take the money for a wall that is 100% political, promised because it sounded good to people who did not know better. Throwing the national Guard, Ice officers there has not solved the problem but made it easier by having those 'Coyotes' make tunnels and watch with cheap drones the concentration of agents and going a different route or just waiting them out. The wall hides where those people are on the other side. You need to see from above what is going on and send the truck with water to pick them up. No need to separate anybody and spent millions up keeping all these people in cages. We also need to get rid of zero everything. Anybody who says we would get or do a zero something should have their job reduced to zero. Starting with The Attorney General. Let's watch and see what other people say about ICE, in my mind, as constituted is a menace to ordinary American, not just the border problem. How many Americans have been detained, arrested, deported because they did not have a passport? Do you carry with a passport/ Do you have a passport? But they made this program consistent with what we learn in Germany. 

 Can You abolish ICE?:
