Men Can Not Give Blood in America{ There is no Medical Reason Only Political

This page by Josh and Levi is in THENIB. I thought it is a simple page yet powerful enough and it should be spread on a day like yesterday (and everyday) which we have set aside to bring attention about the discrimination about blood and Gay men. Yes blood which at one time it used to scared doctors and All other medical peronnel is no longer scary, I hope. We went from using blood which is always been a life saver to use it as an instrument of division and discrimnation. Blood still blood. It still saves lives. Gay men should not be set aside as not capable, not good enough to save our borthers and sisters lives with or blood. This is one more brick on the wall of discrimination and like all other walls not grounded on truth it will have to fall.🦊Adam Gonzalez

It’s 2018, and Gay Men Still Can’t Give Blood in America

Posted Today 
