We are at the threshold of History But WE Need to Learn Something or It wont Be Consummated

I am not going to tire you with all the successes we have all  had in the political, courts and public arenas. This is a very great thing and a very special time on the planet earth. It’s a special time for those warriors we have on the front lines.  It’s a great time for those that did nothing to help but in change they will get an array of equal dignity, civil, human rights that has never been done since the days of old Greece.

Enjoy all. I will be keeping my blogging looking for  new success and disappointments and more important name those responsible for those future disappointments. We will be on the watch that will never loose a state like California that after they approved gay marriage the haters came back and banned it. We saw how that ended up and now with a a federal courts of appeals in the case of the gay juror against the major drug companies Vs a man with AIDS, the drug companies, lost because you can discriminate on a man’s sexual orientation.  The Losers never appealed to the US Supreme court, so as of the day the case was adjudicated there is no legal basis for anti gay marriage bans, in the uSA.

The battle is intense but we have won it. However we need to cross the t’s and stamp the g’s for gays with as much power possible so it won get erase for us.

Please support at the grass roots supporting anyone who is gay and makes sworn promised that he/ she wont vote against us. Even if the person is democrats but not clear on gay rights, but the republican or Independent is go for the Ind or GOP. There are so nasty democrats in the south and nasty GOP in the North Like Rep King of New York. For those people enough evidence should be brought to their constituents that these people are not as good for them as the say they are;

Lets be united and not attack each other. Corrections can be made with facts and living out the attack words. It’s important that we correct some of our community that still things the Church and GOP are the salvation to the world. These gays have been back up by their families and have grown different from many gay in which for them there was no fight for survivor thanks to our capitalist system.

This is a great nation with great people. The main flow is that they have been indoctrinated that Democracy and the church is the salvation to the country and that message most be carry by missionaries acting as spies and covert operations. So Obtain the government we want for those people in South America, Ukraine and Parts of Europe and Africa.

If we could just make sure no one went hungry here instead of well over 425 millions every night and then worry about other people going hungry, then we would be a nation we can really be proud off and defend her against any foe.

Observations by the Publisher, Adam Gonzalez
