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Is The Pope a Quitter? NO! He is Just Catholic with Sins inside the Hat

The post below the picture of the pope is an opinion I decided to post, because I don’t hear in the media the subject of children molested by their priests…..Why? Wasn’t all those children molested? yes ! Didn’t this pope help hide the truth about the priests being switched around like a game of Maze? Yes!! it happened, ask those people and the courts that heard some of the cases. The priests with a few exceptions never went to jail.  The way they dealt with this  was to hie them so no body could find them(perps) except he put them in other churches but…. they repeated their deeds to the point that the whole thing exploded. But they and now the media doesn’t want to talk about it. No body even theres to make a connection with this men’s misdeeds and his resigning from “POPE” it doesn’t happen! The system is set that they die as popes there. They don’t even have a separate home for their pope.  Supposed it was a president, at his age which there are politicians thinking of running in 2016. Is not the age.  Everybody is quiet now. The journalist are even afraid to bring it up.

He even smack ( already a ‘pope’) a correspondent from CBS when asked about the subject. /Responsible?/  Some say it does not matter I say it does. But his sins don’t count, he wears the hat.    adam for adamfoxie*

An Opinion:
I didn't know popes could quit. I thought once you had that job you had it till you died. I thought if you got old and frail they just hid you away in a room someplace and somebody else did all your pope work until you finally croaked and then they got a new pope. But I guess that was wrong. Pope Ratzinger says he is quitting. He says his health isn't strong enough for him to continue with his popely duties. Popely duties? Like what? Teaching Africans that birth control is bad? Covering up for pedophiles? Shitting on solid scientific concepts like evolution? I can see how that would tire a man out. Ignorance may be bliss but spreading it is hard work.

I wish I had more to say about the exit of the pope. I wish I had some actual opinion to give. I wish I had a joke even. But I just don't care fuck-all. I don't think popes matter. I think the whole idea of the pope is outdated and stupid and the whole thing should just be ended. The whole idea of men putting on big hats and pretending to be holy. Let's just get past that whole thing, how about? Just grow up as a species and get over this shit. HEY EVERYBODY I HAVE A BIG HAT. THAT MEANS I GET TO TELL YOU WHAT GOD WANTS. AND YOU HAVE TO LISTEN OR YOU'RE GOING TO HELL. AND NOTHING I CAN DO WILL EVER SEND ME TO HELL CAUSE I HAVE THE HAT. SO LET'S DEEP FRY SOME BABIES AND HAVE OURSELVES A PARTY MEDIEVAL-STYLE. F  these people, really. All of them. Just f  them.

An Opinion coming from a Law Blog:

 On behalf of Caroselli Beachler McTiernan & Conboy, L.L.C. posted in Sexual Abuse Religious Workers on Monday, February 11, 2013
The big news of the day today is that Pope Benedict XVI has announced he is resigning from his seat as the head of the Roman Catholic Church at the end of this month. It's news that is rocking the world, but is likely being reacted to in a lot of different ways in every diocese, including Philadelphia, where sexual abuse scandals have festered.
The official reason given by the 85-year-old pontiff is that he his feeling his advanced age. He made the unexpected announcement during a routine gathering of bishops this morning. According to reports, he told them that he's just not up to the demands of the office. A Vatican spokesman indicated that the fast pace of the culture requires a pontiff who has the vigor to keep up, and the pope doesn't feel he has it.
But there are others who suggest that the clerical sexual abuse scandal and his failure to address the underlying issues with priests, both as the pope and as the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, may have been too much of a credibility hurdle to overcome. Their reaction to the announcement has been mixed.
While all seem to acknowledge that the current pope has been willing to speak to the issue, and even meet with victims, they say that little has actually changed. Some point particularly to the fact that the bishop of the Kansas City, Missouri, diocese was never removed from office, despite having been convicted in 2012 of a felony for failing to report a priest suspected of sexual abuse to the police.
Indeed, there are many advocates for clergy sex abuse victims who say that the Catholic Church's standard operating procedure in too many cases continues to focus too much on protecting the clerics. This happens even as more victims of sexual abuse come forward seeking to hold clerics and the denomination leaders they work for accountable for failing to protect the innocent.
Sources: USA Today, "Mixed reviews on pope's actions on sex abuse scandal," Emma Beck, Eliza Collins and Cathy Lynn Grossman, Feb. 11, 2013; The New York Times, "Frail Pope Breaks Tradition and Resigns," Rachel Donadio, Feb. 13, 2013
