Hepatitis C Catches Up And Passes HIV
A Company recycles Used syringes |
It happens to be that I am Certified by various orgs and also was by DOH (Dept of Health….duhhh) to teach about Hep C. I had a brother who lost his liver and about 3 years latter after the transplant his life; One good year but the others were hell can’t be that bad. So I always fell close to the issue. I felt like it was so easy to learn how to not get it… and NOT necessary. All you need is information and help with the government allowing the Health Dep.s to give away sterile syringes and have secure boxes that can be had for the used of used syringes that are collected so no other person gets sick from it. I tried to teach the user, or the medically prescribed person, be Diabetes, Testa, and others on how not to become a statistic, particularly the user population. They were instructed in what to do with those dirty syringes. It is so much easier to catch hep C than HIV in a practical sense. In HIV you need bodily fluids that have to fight bodily defenses, with Hep C all you need is a syringe that goes from blood right to the user's blood. There are no anti virus protection, boiling water is not that great, even though is better than nothing, but you are still putting your liver on the line. When contaminated, HIV blood is put on a table and the same for HepC 9 (Hep C Stays Out there enjoying the the environment for days.) HIV dies when exposed to air and oxygen after a while. When the same thing i done to the blood with Hep C, the virus stays alive for days.
This virus is a lifetime affair. There is no cure and very little medication that will work on people with Hep C. Lots of people will need a liver replacement, I don’t need time spent letting you know how hard is to find one and match one that matches you and you are next on the list
In the US HIV cases are down 12,700 (CDC) this is down from more than 50,000 during the 90’s. Condoms and education, let me say again, education!! is what’s done the turn around. So We have stopped HIV and we got it on the run. If people are getting the information and getting those test to find out. Those tests protect you if you are poz because you can be treated and hopefully you are not going to infect anybody else. You will learn that there are many discordant couples (-+). Also is important that if you had a test 6 months ago and you do a self test lets say and you become + on the second, then you know the time line which can be good for more than one reason, But the one I like is that you might not even need meds. BELIEVE me KNowing is better than not knowing, guessing if you infecting half of the city if you are very active. If you are - you know you are doing the right things. Having sex enjoying it and not exosing yourself because you know how to do things.
About the Authors: Katherine Harmon is an associate editor for Scientific American covering health