FaceBook Scam is Coming Back } CHECK WHO VISITED UR PROFILE

   A new Facebook scam is claiming the social network now lets you see who has visited your profile. This is false. Facebook will never let you do this, and you should not install apps claiming to do so.


 Facebook scammers are once again trying to take advantage of curious users who want to know which of their friends are visiting their profiles. This is a scam. The “Facebook Profile Viewer” and “Profile Visitor” apps are not something you want to install. Remember: Facebook does not give you any way to find out who has been viewing your profile, will never do so, and neither does any app or service.   
This particular scam says something along the lines of:
New Update from facebook. Now you can check who visited your profile. check here ——–>>>@[266343576787035:128:FAŒBOOK PROFILE VIEWER ®]<<<<—— Who Watching your Profile ? [Facebok user]’s Photos
The text “FAŒBOOK PROFILE VIEWER ®” is a link to the rogue app. If you click on the link, you have to permit the app to access your profile and install it on your Facebook account. It spreads by sharing the above image on your profile and asking your Facebook friends to Share it.
You should always be very careful about installing random Facebook apps on your account, especially ones that ask for a lot of access to your account. Take a minute now to remove all the Facebook apps you find suspicious. If you don’t know how to do so, you can refer to the following guide: How to clean up your Facebook apps.
As a general word of caution, don’t click on everything your Facebook friends share on the social network. If you see a scam like this one, report it. Then go check your Messages and Wall to make sure you’re not spreading the scam; the sooner you clean it up, Unlike all relevant Pages, and uninstall all relevant Apps, the better. You can also contact Facebook Security if you’d like to.
