Male Reporter Apology for Kissing Will Smith -Vid

Ukranian reporter Vitalii Sediuk appears in a May 2012 interview with Hip Hollywood. / Will Smith appears in a still from a Life News video at the Moscow premiere of Men in Black 3 on Friday, May 18, 2012. - Provided courtesy of Hip Hollywood / Life News

Sediuk issued a lengthy apology to the actor admitting that his behavior was 'too much.'
'I can say it was it was an emotional impulse,' he explained. 'Will Smith is a person whom I deeply respect as an actor, I've been watching him since my childhood and of course when I met him in Moscow finally I just wanted to do something, not extraordinary, but to impress him.'
Sediuk explained that his actions were a 'Slovak tradition.'
'Of course I don't do that often - I don't kiss every man or woman when I meet him or her on the street,' he said. 'But that time I decided to do that.'
As far as getting slapped by Smith as retaliation, Sediuk said: 'I don't take offense and of course we have different mentalities, ethics, stuff like that, and it's not a big deal for me to say, 'I'm sorry, Will.'
'It was a splash of emotion,' he concluded. 'It was an emotional moment, and I'm sorry for that.' Next time if I meet him, I'll just shake his hand and then we'll be fine.'
Video of the incident quickly went viral:
