In The Name of Truth and Who Ever is Been Cured from HIV

The story you are about to read was published by adamfoxie* and others a year ago. What we don’t hear anymore is stories like that. I don’t think is because there are none, but because no one want to say that they were HIV just like the majority of people with HIV don’t want to say that they are so. At the same time governments and health agencies also don’t want to emphasize and understandably so, that some people have come out of the disease and others are immune to it. The reason I’m posting again is because I don’t like people to forget certain truths about the disease. It’s good to advertise the dangers but the truth runs both ways.  
I know that people with HIV still face an awful discrimination by people that are afraid of the disease ( some HIV themselves) and therefore they are afraid of the people that are positive.
So in light of that truth I will like to republish this article and restate that this disease that killed so many is not invinsible no more. I remember when I was working out in the filed, I was sent to retirement homes to preach the dangers of HIv and how to avoid it. Why? There were numbers that indicated people in their 65-85 were showing up HIV. No one knew if they had been HIV all along but never tested or that they had acquired it from one of their buddies during straight or not so straight sex.  The belief then was that they were giving it to each other because they were together in those nursery homes-retirement homes.
As I think about that I tend to smile and think that If I were 80 yrs old and some young punk is coming to tell me to put on a condom I will probably hit him or her with the bed pan when is it hasn’t been emptied. Again another idea that should be buried with the one that french kissing will get you positive. ay vei and Im not even jewish.
In the spirit of the truth I give you the story about  Mr. Timothy Ray Brown:
 (by adamfoxie* the story below was written by )
Timothy Ray Brown Berlin Patient Video
Did you realize that 30 million people have died from HIV in the 30 years since the disease was discovered? Or that the disease spreads at the rate of 7,000 people per day globally? Pretty staggering statistics that seem to get fewer headlines than the latest celebrity scandal.
In the 90s anti-retroviral drugs were developed that transformed the disease from quickly lethal to more manageable, and the illness could be lived with for decades. But treatment is very expensive, and unrealistic for millions of people who have the disease.
But amidst all the discouraging news is a surprising and heartening story–that of the first man to be functionally cured of HIV. Timothy Ray Brown had both acute myeloid leukemia and HIV. As the leukemia spread through his bone marrow, he was forced to undergo chemotherapy and then a stem cell transplant. When the disease flared up again, he required another stem cell transplant.
What was unusual about the transplant donor is that he was immune to HIV. (Scientists say 1 percent of Caucasians are immune to HIV, some theorize that  the trait may be passed down from ancestors who became immune to the plague centuries ago; or that the trait was passed down from people who became immune to a smallpox-like disease.) Although the transplant was to treat the leukemia, an incredible thing happened. His HIV went away.
“He has no replicating virus and he isn’t taking any medication. And he will now probably never have any problems with HIV,” his doctor Gero Huetter told Reuters.
Although Brown’s story is amazing, scientists say that bone marrow transplants can be fatal, and it’s impossible for Brown’s treatment to be used for everyone in the world living with HIV. However, the discovery does encourage “cure research,” according to experts, something that many people never believed would be possible…
