Two Vaginas and She Lost Them Both

Being a Weekend I will ad This True Story:  But Have Never Posted about Vaginas before Will Probably will Never Again….AF*

Once I Found Out What It Was I Told Everybody”   

Hazel Jones is not your average woman. The 26 year old has uterus didelpys, a condition found in only one out of a million women that means she has two vaginas, two uteruses and two cervixes.

Jones revealed on the British talk show This Morning that even though she was born with the rare condition, she had no idea that she was different until she became an adult.
"I used to suffer from horrendous cramps and my periods could be very heavy," she said. "I now know that my periods were worse because I have two wombs."
Jones' condition results when the barrier separating two halves of the uterus fails to break down, resulting in two fully formed, fully functioning uteruses within the same body.
While that might sound terrifying to some people, to Jones it's become a point of pride.
"Once I found out what it was I told everybody," she said. "I thought it was amazing and it's definitely an ice-breaker at parties."

Jones says she's become so comfortable with her body that she goes to sex clubs with her husband and even shows off her unique body.
"If women want to have a look, I'm quite happy to show them," she said. "It's not something I'm embarrassed by."
Still, Jones says she has to be careful. Since she has two of them, her wombs are much smaller than average, meaning she would most likely need a caesarean section if she was to give birth.
"So if I get pregnant I have to be very aware not to get pregnant on the other side," she said.
Check out Jones describing her condition, and her comfort showing it off, in the video below.

In Love & Sex by Jeffery James 
