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Men’s Size Across Europe

If you are a size queen you might want to visit The France or just Stay in the USA dating ethnic men, from PR, Irland, Norway ,Poland and any tall man from the african countries.  adamfoxie*
Author: Patrick (below)
A site called Alpha Designer has released a map that shows average penis sizes by country in Europe. This isn’t actually the only map the site has done. In fact, there are also stereotype maps that bring light to how people from different cultures view each other or themselves. The calendar is done by Yanko Tsvetkov and features stereotype maps of Europe, the Near and Middle East, and the United States from the point of view of your average bigot. There’s even a “Europe According To Gay Men“. I’ve included a link to these later in the post so you know where to purchase the the prints, a T-Shirt, or even a binder cover.
Anyway, back to the Penis Size Map of Europe. So who tops the list you might ask? Well, although I mentioned The Eiffel Tower in the heading, France actually comes in second for penis size average. Let’s just say, the country leading the pack brings new meaning to the dirty phrase, “C*ck Hungry Hungary.”

Europe According to National Penis Size

16+ cm (6.3 inches+)

1. Hungary (16.51)
2. France (16.01)

15.5-16 cm (6.1-6.3 inches)

3. Czech Republic (15.89)
4. The Netherlands (15.87)
5. Italy (15.74)
6. Belgium (15.65)
7. Georgia (15.61)

15-15.5 cm – (5.9-6.1 inches)

8. Denmark (15.29)
9. Slovakia (15.21)
10. Slovenia (15.13)
11. Bulgaria (15.02)

14.5-15 cm (5.7-5.9 inches)

12. Serbia (14.87)
13. Sweden (14.80)
14. Croatia (14.77)
15. Greece (14.73)
15. Albania (14.73)
17. Belarus (14.63)
18. Iceland (14.56)

14-14.5 cm (5.5-5.9 inches)

19. Germany (14.48)
20. Switzerland (14.35)
21. Norway (14.34)
22. Poland (14.29)
23. Austria (14.16)
24. Turkey (14.11)

13.5-14 cm (5.3-5.5 inches)

25. Macedonia (13.98)
26. Ukraine (13.97)
26. United Kingdom (13.97)
28. Spain (13.85)
29. Estonia (13.78)
30. Finland (13.77)

13-13.5 cm (5.1-5.3 inches)

31. Armenia (13.22)
32. Russia (13.21)
33. Portugal (13.19)

12.5-13 cm (4.9-5.1 inches)

34. Ireland (12.78)
35. Romania (12.73)

No Data

Andorra, Bosnia Herzegovina, Cyprus, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, San Marino/
*The maps was created by Magazine of Thoughts.

Europe According To Gay Men

You can find the “Mapping Sterotypes Project” here.

