Thoughts of Being Grandiose } Newt The Grinch Will Put the Judges In Jail

What ever happen to the USA Constitution?  I thought we had three branches of government: Executive, Judicial and Legislative….and Neither of the three can put the others in jail. That is called a Republic…you know… "For the Republic for which stands"….Im sure this man most have repeated that how many times??? But with these GOp Candidates there is a disconnect between the brain and the mouth. They have been disconnected. Actually is beginning to be a challenge to get and write about all of those crazy things coming out of these people. I don’t mind them committing suicide, the problem is they are brin ging the nation down with them.  adamfoxie*
Below is the post from Pink Paper in the UK, by Stacey Cosens:

Republican presidential nominee, Newt Gingrich, believes that liberal judges are implementing a secular agenda by allowing gay marriage.

Republican presidential nominee, Newt Gingrich, believes that liberal judges are implementing a secular agenda by allowing gay marriage.Gingrich said yesterday that Congress is within its rights to order the Capitol Police or U.S. Marshalls arrest ‘radical’ judges and force them to explain themselves, the Daily Mail reports.
Gingrich also said he would freely ignore legal decisions he disagreed with if he became president.
“A commander in chief could simply issue instructions to ignore it, and say it’s null and void and I do not accept it because it infringes on my duties as commander in chief to protect the country,” Gingrich told journalists.
He added: “I got in this originally for two things: the steady encroachment of secularism through the courts to redefine America as a non-religious country and the encroachment of the courts on the president’s commander-in-chief powers, which is enormously dangerous”.

