13 Years Old } Afraid I’ll Loose all My friends as I come Out

Worried ... will I lose all my friends if I tell them I am gay?
Worried ... will I lose all my 
friends if I tell them I am gay?
 I'M a 13-year-old boy and I think I'm gay, but I'm too scared to tell anyone in case I lose all my friends and a place in my football team.
People would hate me if I'm gay. I have spoken to a couple of gay friends and it's helped a little bit. The trouble is I do fancy a girl I know but I think in my heart I fancy boys/men more. I think I'm bisexual but I don't feel as if I can trust people to understand.
I've had years of bullying because I have crooked teeth, and I guess I do act a bit camp. I get teased but I haven't told anyone about fancying boys yet.
My grandma died recently and she was the only one I could trust, which makes me feel even worse. I don't know where to find help
Any sincere comments will be published.  Hopefully he will see them since we are read in at dozen countries daily. I will publish the countries if there is a request of at least a few people unless the country is not a democracy. Otherwise the information could serve a government to get an idea of what their gay citizens are reading and shut that information door down.( your comments below will take a few hours for you to see on your browser- This is while they are scan for any malware or spam. If it’s spam/virus  it will never appear except in some court of law somewhere in the future).
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