N.Y. Congressman Calls Obama "Timid"
N.Y. Congressman Calls Obama "Timid"
Congressman Anthony Weiner of New York, known for his hard-charging style and outspokenness, blasted the Obama administration for its approach to LGBT issues and called the posture “timid.”
Weiner, who represents parts of Queens and Brooklyn, spoke with New York gay newspaper Gay City News on June 8 about the prospects for passing an inclusive ENDA, repealing DOMA, and achieving other progress.
According to Gay City News:
“In the wake of the president’s announcement early in June that he was extending some partner benefits to gay and lesbian federal government employees, Weiner was asked what the prospects were, in the near term, for passing the Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act — which would extend the same federal benefits to gay and lesbian couples currently available under marriage — and for repealing the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act. The Brooklyn Democrat said he doubted whether either measure would move before the November election and also took note of the limited nature of the president’s order regarding federal employees — health benefits, for example, are not generally available under the executive directive.
Weiner then turned to the political excuse that the Defense of Marriage Act provides the president for achieving only incremental advances at best on LGBT partnership and family recognition.
‘DOMA becomes a sort of all-purpose cloak for a timid administration,’ he said. ‘Yeah, we want to do more, but there’s DOMA.’
Asked directly whether he considered Obama’s team ‘timid,’ Weiner replied, ‘Yes.’”
Weiner, who represents parts of Queens and Brooklyn, spoke with New York gay newspaper Gay City News on June 8 about the prospects for passing an inclusive ENDA, repealing DOMA, and achieving other progress.
According to Gay City News:
“In the wake of the president’s announcement early in June that he was extending some partner benefits to gay and lesbian federal government employees, Weiner was asked what the prospects were, in the near term, for passing the Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act — which would extend the same federal benefits to gay and lesbian couples currently available under marriage — and for repealing the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act. The Brooklyn Democrat said he doubted whether either measure would move before the November election and also took note of the limited nature of the president’s order regarding federal employees — health benefits, for example, are not generally available under the executive directive.
Weiner then turned to the political excuse that the Defense of Marriage Act provides the president for achieving only incremental advances at best on LGBT partnership and family recognition.
‘DOMA becomes a sort of all-purpose cloak for a timid administration,’ he said. ‘Yeah, we want to do more, but there’s DOMA.’
Asked directly whether he considered Obama’s team ‘timid,’ Weiner replied, ‘Yes.’”
In the interview, Weiner also criticized the administration for losing control of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” debate during last month’s compromise vote in Congress.
The congressman, a staunch supporter of Hillary Clinton in the 2008 presidential campaign and potential 2013 candidate for New York City mayor, is engaged to marry Huma Abedin, a top aide at the State Department, next month.