Chief Of Staff Mullen Still Balking on DADT Repeal
Mullen Still Balking on DADT Repeal
Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff stated today the Pentagon will continue to enforce ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ as he believes Congress shouldn’t pass any legislation that would initiate a repeal of the discriminatory policy prior to the review of the issue is completed.
Even though he continues to admit he supports a repeal, he also wants a completed review including the “voices” of all of those who would be affected by such a repeal. He also stated that when that review is complete, he should be appointed as the lead to implement the policy change.
Mullen made the statements this morning adding that he, along with other military top brass prefer “to wait until the review was through” so they could determine the impact, something they’ve yet been able to determine because the data isn’t there.
Mullen stated:
“The most important part is to make sure it won’t impact, in a time of great stress on our military … their ability to execute the mission. We’re trying to get this right.”
And continued by stating:
[DADT] “is the law, and we’ll continue to comply with it until that changes.”