Head Of Family Research Council Wants To Get Down On His Knees!

Tony Perkins Wants To Get Down On His Knees!

This is laughable at best. But hey, we can always use a good laugh at the expense of the anti-gay religious right…right?!
Tony Perkins’ Family Research Council has been busy planning their 4th of July festivities and he wants to go down on his knees.
According to a mass email sent out by the group:
America is in deep trouble. Consider the following:
  • Environmental disaster of epic proportion in the Gulf of Mexico
  • Economic struggles with unemployment at nearly 10%
  • Protracted bloody wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
  • Political leadership bent on promoting what God forbids
We are a broken nation full of broken people who have broken God’s laws and God’s heart. Consequently, in these difficult days, the Lord has continued to impress upon me the great need for us, as followers of Jesus Christ, to take responsibility for the broken state of our nation and go to God for help because He is the only one who can help.
Yet we must go to God on His terms: in humility, prayer, and repentance as outlined in 2 Chronicles 7:14. We must begin on our knees. That is why we have re-launched the “Call2Fall” for Sunday, July 4th.
So there! Get down on your knees on the 4th of July.
But seriously…is his cult following this stupid?
Point one, the oil spill. Who deregulated big oil and is really to blame for this? George W.
Point two, the economy. Who caused this? George W.
Point three, the wars. Who started these? Who was able to get congress to waive their responsibilities and allow the president to engage in a war through an executive order rather than a congressional act? George W.
Point four, he hates the gays. Since when was a religious belief suppose to dictate the lives of all Americans? Since George W.
Tony, this display of complete insanity shows your desperation and perhaps is a clear indication you’re simply not the brightest star in the sky.
So go ahead, get down on your knees this 4th of July Tony. But be careful. When you get back up they may be dirty!

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