The GOP Texas Platform: You need to Get Acquainted With This Piece Of Works

The Texas GOP platform highlights include:
• Calling for repeal of the Real ID Act, which “creates an unconstitutional and privacy-inhibiting national ID card.
• Banning the use of red light cameras.
• Making American English the official language of Texas and the United States.
• Creating a felony offense for anyone who performs a marriage ceremony for a same-sex couple.
• Passing legislation requiring a sonogram for each pregnant woman seeking an abortion.
• Opposing legislation allowing stem cell research involving the creation of killing of human embryos for medical research.
• Calling for the immediate transition to a system of private pensions and gradually phasing out the Social Security tax.
• Calling for the repeal of the state lottery and opposing any further legalization of any type of gambling.
• Urging Congress to “repeal and reject the national healthcare takeover, also known as ‘ObamaCare.' ”
• Protecting the right to access raw milk directly from the farmer.
• Opposing automatic college admissions rules, such as the top 10 percent rule.
• Calling for the repeal of the No Child Left Behind law and the U.S. Department of Education.
• Removing the tenure system for Texas state colleges and universities.
• Opposing all bailouts of businesses.
• Recommending a national sales tax to replace all other federal taxes.
• Calling on the Legislature to repeal the revised franchised tax.
• Urging Congress to evict the United Nations from the United States to rescind U.S. membership.
• Urging the Legislature to require Voter ID.
by: Pams House Blend

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