Where am I ?


I'm right here at home at 8:05pm Eastern time working for you to be completely informed and if I can entertain you even while we deal with serious stuff, I try. I have stuff in my head and heart, one lung, and it does not hurt. What hurt is I can't shower until Saturday. F*##.

Well is beginning to itch. Damn, they do not talk to me about itch never mention it. What does someone use on electrical points when underneath the fresh itches? Let me know if you know. See You've come back like like you have in droves, will have what adamfoxie does. And I'm here for you. Warning: The base story which you can reach by the link below might not make sense to all. I could have fixed it this morning but wanted to leave it as I typed while I was feeling well and having this weight on my head(see pic) Any Q's just asked I will rewrite it with the point being obvious but is a good experiment to unlock the key of a statement or story in which the writer takes you for a ride around the block and does not make it obvious like for instance, News Stories.

Adam, Writer

Base story and explanation
