Putin Talks Like He Only Have Nukes His Threats R Empty, Why?

Russia does not have its Nuke as a way out of where it's gotten to with Putin. He(Putin) keeps talking
about WWIII but what he most thinking is not to destroy the precious self he loves so much and takes care of it so well. What's left? Tactical weapons. That means he will use a rocket with a nuclear tip or have some of his troops in the same way. What would be the outcome? It will destroy the buildings, which he is done so far so he doesn't need nukes for that. He will kill more people and he also has done that so he does not need to kill better than he has. So whether he goes for Ukraine with Tacticaks Nukes or Moldova or other states neighboring Russia it will accomplish nothing except that will be the end of Putin and Russia. The U.S. Britain and Canada are very well prepared to it back but the response won't be measured. It will flatten Russia's capability to be in this century.
This opinion is shared by many and I posted one f those of someone with a very good background in world affairs.
His name is an Appellate counsel by the name of Brent Cooper of Cooper and Scully:

Putin made a mistake in invading Ukraine. He knows that knowledge and is looking for a way out that saves face for himself and Russia.

A nuclear attack is not the way out. Putin knows if a nuclear weapon is fired, he runs a risk, a very serious risk, of Russia being destroyed.

Right now the only country being destroyed is Ukraine. If that were to change and Putin’s actions resulted in Russia being destroyed, his time on earth would be over. Who would help rebuild Russia? No one. Russia would regress for 50 years. To rebuild Russia internally would take a generation.

Putin may talk about launching nuclear weapons but it is just that. It is talk. No doubt he is reviewing the options he has. Launching a nuclear strike is not one of them.
