American Settlers Turned into Cannibalism Because of Hunger

Painting of Jamestown Colony

Newly discovered human bones prove the first permanent British settlers in North America turned to cannibalism over the cruel winter of 1609-10, US researchers have said.
Scientists found unusual cuts consistent with butchering for meat on human bones dumped in a rubbish pit.
The four-century-old skull and tibia of a teenage girl in James Fort, Virginia, was excavated from the dump last year.
James Fort, founded in 1607, was the earliest part of the Jamestown colony. 
This story is so interesting not because people in general would do whatever it takes to survive, that has already been established but because the notion that the settlers were so religious and followed their christianity to the letter that eating human fresh would be ‘anatema’ to the bible and ‘all' christianity teachings as far as Genesis. The bible even prohibited the eating of pork and shellfish and it says that to mix human blood with animal blood is a sin that could not be forgiven because it was so serious on the eyes of god. 
You have people in certain nations in which the majority of the population say that being a homosexual which you happen to be born as, is a deadly sin but they say it while they eat their sausages and enjoy their shrimp and lobster. 
This is another piece in the puzzle of human psychic in which we say one thing but do the opposite.      
  More on this story on BBC Site-Click here
