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How Does A Gay Man Looks IN New YorkToday? In Paris Last Month?

 Today in the State of Gay Marriage and a repeat an assault that this Mayor and Police are Not Able to Control!

Scooped by Adam Gonzalez!

This Is How Looks Homophobia In France In 2013

This man simply walked hand in hand with his boyfriend in Paris. Apparently, he shouldn't. (Nausées RT @Soraya_Paris: .....
Adam Gonzalez's insight:
When someone uses aggresive force towards another individual for what that individual is doing without involving consent of  anybody else yet someone decides to use force, one have to ask the question of Why? It can't be anything as uncomplicated of like or dislike. some people like chocolate some vanilla.  But the vanilla lovers don't go around beating the hell out of the other group. Why? They don't have to, because violence is an act that requires special mechanisms to be in place. One of those mechanisms is Homophobia.

What is homophopbia/? The fear of a homosexual.  Fear, why someone who attacks someone else just because they are walking with their partner on a public street(by the way public still means for all!)
They will attack because the fear that they have beiongs is because they are like them or  them (homosexual). They(abusers) want to destroy that other person or personality. What am I saying? Someone who uses force towards another individual because of the way they seem to be perceived as homsexual or gay is because they are themselves gay. One does not to have a degree in psychology to figure out that it takes special circumstances for a human being to attack another. They are either psychotic, in war combat zone or they are in fear of that person. Why attack? when you don't have a reason to belive you are going to be attack yourself?  You don't have to like a gay person, you don't have to like gay marriage. All you have to do is not be gay yourself and not marry another man. The rest the laws of nature will take care of it. You are not needed. If you are gay and don't want to be then you need a psychologist to help you 'like' yourself because just like you are born chinese but wanted to be French, moving to france is not going to make be and look french. Better learn to like your suchi.

It's a shame that the media does not exposes the well known reasons of why gays are attack. It's simply giving the tittle of not liking gays. To use violence against another human being liking has nothing to do with it. There is a whole array of things people do to each other, including fighting with each other, but to go and attack someone you don't know because of whom they are requires a special reasoning. If this reasoning was more exposed may be a person will think twice and also consider why they are using that vilonce. But Poeple that commit that crime never hear who is the type of person who does that to other individuals. It is neveer talked about. May be as we become mainstream that will change.
