Adamfoxie* Blog International Says Hello I am Back With Different Format

May 10, 2013
 It was never my intention to close the blog. adamfoxie*blog International will never close and the name is registered ™ of the blog and also the Gray
Female Fox™ as it’s registered logo for life. Those are things that can not totally change.

What I have been referring to, was to close it’s present mode of operation and change from a publisher and volunteers to just the publisher and instead of publishing like a magazine to come back to a simple blogging format. The difference between the two is one that looks for the news and publishes every day, the other format is waiting for the story to come to me because is important and it deserves to be commented on or at least publish and make the reader aware of it. Keeping in mind that this blog is read at places that just reading it could put someone in jail. That’s the reason we try to stay away from rainbows and other symbols not because we are  in shame of it but because I want people to read it on their cell phones as they travel in Morocco or Belize.

There will be no more we, just I (Adam) to publish. As always anyone with a story worth of the community to read or see the doors are always open. Guest editorials or writers are invited not because they might be famous or have a book to sell but because they have something important to say to the gay community.

I hope you continue to visit, we have a tremendous amount of new traffic and return readers. Always you have the comments section and if you want to reach me directly you can do so by email(adamfoxie@Gmail com). As long as there is people coming to read this blog how can it not be here?

I am going to start the new format with what Im sure many wont notice the difference and if they missed the postings of the past 24-48 hours then the change would have never happened as far as they are concern.

I am grateful of the amount people that came by the site- Gee in those 2 days…it was like I have being slapped in the face for not being more clear of my intentions and left it to others to take control. if we announced that more often our readership would be three or four times more than what it is. But we have never played games and adamfoxie* is a serious current and provocative site and if you are a reader you know that is true.

We will still be Current, Provocative and Fresh in more than one way but with a format that a child could read.

Thank You. I am preparing pictures for our first story which will be one Trade World Center. I think it is  more than appropriate that as we…I mean I change formats and continue to try to be of free service non registering blog that we start with the comeback of the WTC.
Adam Gonzalez for adamfoxie*blog International
