A Gay Athlete Comes Out! Is There A Meaning We Are To Extract from It?

Fans come out for Jason Collins
Just because someone comes out does not mean he is the only one that is done so and we are done with that.
In the case of gays,  for every one that comes out there is a whole group of people that wont come out because they believe it will affect negatively their careers and their personal lives. It is easier to marry have kids concentrate on the family, work and just involve your self that way with the kids and family life. Then when things get bad because you are not happy and you know who you are, then there is no place to go but ”the down low”  to get replenishment and sexual satisfaction.

I feel bad for this type of individual but this is what we do with this hypocritical stance that gays should be straight and our DNA is not related to a monkey or a pig, there is no global warming and the penquin were never birds thar flew because that would then be evolution and to these space cadets there is no such thing as evolution. If it was so it will contrast with some weird interpretation of the bible… This is what this type of ‘Thinker” prefers believing because it seems their minds can't handle the hard stuff.

 They leave everything else to the brainless with a mouth piece people like L’bauch, Beck, Noonan and a whole list of religious thinkers without a heart. It’s incredible that still in this day and age there are states putting out bills that tell couples straights or gays where they should stick what you stick  and it happens that those are the ones that say we want the government out of our life’s.  There most be in their religion that people learn growing up that teaches them to be selfish and lying people. People that are only comfortable with the old idea taught to them when we had no internet or cell phones. They believe that what is ok for them is ok for all. That is the problem we face. When someone comes out particularly someone everyone knows as a good person they can’t say he is a monster, they can’t say he is an abomination. They can see he is like everyone else and who ever he goes to bed with belongs to his private affairs.
 It is also one more brick that is taken down off the wall of homophobia so people can see like they saw when women got the vote, blacks could marry whites and we went to the moon.

The world did not come down. Yet it taught us to be smarter and more tolerant. The same will happen when the homophobia wall comes down. Many will see that is was not worth to cause so many deaths and misery to other human beings., Where does these homophobes think they will find absolution to so many innocent people that did nothing but be born a certain way sexually. Where would they go for absolution? After causing so much hurt to others with justification. You will not find it in a bible you only follow on occasions. You will not find it……….
with a priest that has a  history of abusing children? A pastor that cheats on the wife with another guy? All these events are true and you know you read them on the paper.

Or may be You want to be the one that follows every great man that has said love your neighbor as your thy self. 
Please be tired of religion dictating how other people should be treated. If you do that you are a terrorist like Osama and the Boston Bombers. Hating other people because they are different and have other believes and religion.

If I were given one wish by god it would be that all religions be voided along with all that separates mankind. Religion is a nuclear bomb that is detonated in churches every day as they are critical of other people. You can believe in something without stepping on someone’s elses’ neck. But it doesn’t make much of an impact to make people open up their wallets.

Let Death decide who is right and wrong. But life should be lived with humanity and compassion because life is short and death is long. Watch out for your brother I read in some book called the bible. Read all the book and apply none. Learn about today and the truth we have learn through history and science and those things that you have seen with your own two eyes.

But if you're insisting in living your life by an old book written by ancient men, many men, you never met, then at least be fair with all parts. Don’t pick some you like and set some aside you don’t find appealing. Let your heart be your soul and your mind the spirit that feeds you life as it happens.
Adam Gonzalez
Originally written for YouGov
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