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ALbania The Most Homophobe Country in Europe


The Most Homophobic Country In Europe

Albania comes out last but may not be the worst

 This country is so homphober because all the gays are in the closet otherwise it would be the gayest Country in Europe. We know the stories of nation that for no reason at all feat homosexuals. The men fuck each other but is call something else. "Drunk Comrade"

While Sweden is often lauded for being the most gay friendly country in the world, you’d have to travel to the other end of Europe to discover the worst nation for gays in Europe. That would be Albania.
So says a poll of 30 countries by the European Social Survey, which found that 53% of residents in the former communist, majority Muslim, nation agree that “gays and lesbians should not be free to live life as they wish.” This despite the fact Albania passed anti-discrimination legislation protecting gays in 2010.
But while Albania came out last in the survey, it might not actually be the worst for gays. Other Balkan nations that were once part of the former Yugoslavia — including Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia — weren’t included in the survey and have a pretty dismal reputation on gay rights too
