Someone Asking Your 82 Y.O. Grand Ma } How Do You Feel About Gay Sex?

Quick poll: How many of you would completely freak if your sweet, little grandmother told you, "I know when I was young, I was chasing all the little dykes around"? Yeah, that's what we thought. Except, that's the response one videographer got when he took it upon himself to head to the L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center to ask its residents the age-old question: What do you think about gay sex?

Needless to say, the results were pretty surprising if you're convinced that old people are the progressive youth army's worst enemy (not). One man can't seem to tell the difference between sex and yoga, but perhaps there isn't much of a difference in positions after all, when it boils down to it. Other enthusiastic responses include, "Whatever floats your boat," "It's fantastic," and "My favorite part was the 'come, come, come, come, come!'"

Though mainly humorous, what's enlightening about this video is that it once-and-for-all dispels the notion that homosexuality is some kind of trendy new fad that happened because of Will & Grace. It's been around forever, folks. (dlisted)
