YouTube hackers direct Bieber fans to porn
YouTube hackers direct Bieber fans to porn
Hackers targeted a number of Justin Bieber YouTube pages yesterday, redirecting users to porn sites and a video suggesting that the teenage heart-throb had died.
The hackers are believed to have exploited a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability within YouTube's comment system.
Users hoping to see the 16-year-old Canadian singer were instead treated to blacked-out pages, porn, or a message saying that Bieber had died earlier in the day in a car accident.
Google's YouTube support forum lit up with complaints from bewildered users, many of them, surprisingly, appearing to be adults. The company fixed the problem within a couple of hours.
Wikipedia and iTunes were also subject to redirected links over the weekend. In the iTunes, store, at one point, titles from one Vietnamese developer accounted for 40 of the top 50. Some iTunes accounts may also have been compromised.
The attack on Bieber's pages comes as his 'Baby' video comes close to being YouTube's most-watched ever - it's recently been clocking up more than a million views per day.
People do seem to have it in for him. A Facebook group has been set up called I hate Justin Bieber club, and an app was recently created that simply removes all mention of him fromweb pages.
Other hoaxes have incuded rumours that Bieber had died, another that he was Chuck Norris' son and had joined the Illuminati