Update: "Rachel Maddow Not Girly Enough for Senator" David Vitter
I have so many immediate responses to that remark, so let's take them one at a time. First, what has Rachel Maddow's looks have to do with anything? I mean, really? We're talking about a Senator currently under fire for having the audacity toappoint a guy who stabbed his ex-girlfriend with a knife to be his point man on women's issues, and yet he's spending his time addressing an old yearbook photo of an MSNBC anchor. This may have been evident long ago — starting when the conservative GOP'er was caught cheating on his wife with a prostitute — but can we officially declare Senator Vitter to be a man devoid of a proper sense of judgement and focus?
Secondly, since when is there a standard definition of what a woman looks like and what, exactly, did Maddow do wrong in Vitter's eyes? My first (and maybe last) guess is that she dared to be a lesbian. Plus, she has short hair. I'm sure as far as Vitter is concerned, case closed. That womanhood is more than long, flowing locks and lusting after Prince Charming is probably lost on the senator. If you told him that women come in all shapes and sizes and colors and styles, he'd probably faint dead away. The sad thing is, too many Americans agree with him.
Finally, why is it that the knee-jerk reaction for so many people, when confronted with a strong, powerful woman, to criticize her looks? Haven't we all gotten the memo on how pathetically sexist that is by now? Senator Vitter saw a liberal woman in a position of power, so he pokes fun at her appearance. Classy. I can think of several female cable news anchors who have been attacked for their looks (Candy Crowley, Greta Van Susteren), but I am drawing a blank coming up with equivalent examples for their male counterparts. Anyone? Bueller?
If you want to hear Vitter's comments straight from the horse's mouth, just go here. Honestly, I am sick of Vitter and his anti-woman ways. How much clearer can he make it that he doesn't respect women, everyone from news anchors to victims of domestic violence to his own wife? Senator Vitter is up for re-election currently, and one can only hope that the good people of Louisiana are sick of him, too.
Photo credit: dsb_nola