NYC bar Bull Moose to gay people: Thanks for the money. Now get lost

NYC bar Bull Moose to gay people: Thanks for the money. Now get lost

By michaelkaminer
After deciding to open their doors to the gay community during this year’s Gay Pride celebration, the owners of the 
New York City establishment under the name of Bull Moose has had a sudden change of heart, reports GaySocialites.
The owner, David Sheehan, evidently wanted to capitalize on the gay dollar; but according to his business partners – David Beatty (formerly of Club Rush) and Jake Levvy – the man’s a clear-cut homophobe. was contacted by Rob Bender, another investor in the venture, who tells us that the arrangement was for the gays to get 50% of the profit while the other 50% went to Sheehan.
Bender tells us that after the pride parties were “a huge success”, Sheehan threw the gays out and used many homophobic slurs while doing so.  Rob also tells that, after a hefty Gay Pride celebration, the gay partners walked away without a dollar.
It doesn’t end here though, Bender tells us they’re willing to pull out all the stops to get their money back and draw awareness to Sheehan’s homophobia even if it means lawsuits and protests.

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