Gov. Brewer Claims Illegal Immigrants Are Beheading People>Some Hve been seen Dressed as Wolves and Vampires.
Gov. Brewer Claims Illegal Immigrants Are Beheading People
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has opened her hate-spewing mouth yet again.
Last month Brewer appeared on Fox News in yet another attempt to defend SB 1070 -- her anti-immigration law set to take effect in Arizona on July 28. On the show, Brewer said the law was necessary to combat the crime seen in her state, including kidnappings, extortion andBEHEADINGS?!
When questioned about her beheading accusation on a local Arizona political show, 12 News' Sunday Square-Off last week, Brewer had this to say:
"Our law enforcement agencies have found bodies in the desert, either buried or just lying out there, that have been beheaded," said Brewer.
One problem: officials from six county medical examiners around the statecould not back Brewer's claim, saying they've never seen or heard of such attacks.