Bobby Jindal: No to Gay Adoption, Yes to Guns in Church

JindalWhen it comes to Bobby Jindal, here's hoping the word "priorities" pops into your mind. Earlier this year, Jindal was quick on the draw to condemn a Louisiana measure that would have expanded adoption rights for gay and lesbian parents. For Jindal, gay and lesbian adoptive parents are nothing more than social experiments that contradict his limited definition of family.
A slap in the face to kids who need a good home, right?
Of course, it's all the more appalling when you look at the bill Jindal just threw his support behind, which will allow people in Louisiana to carry guns inside houses of worship. The legislation means that Louisiana residents will now be able to carry concealed weapons inside mosques, churches, synagogues, Kingdom Halls, tent revivals, or any other house of worship.
Loaded weapons inside churches? Yeah, that doesn't pose a threat to kids. But well qualified and eager gay and lesbian adoptive parents? Hit the panic button
Jindal has by many accounts been trying to redeem his public image by portraying a "take charge" leader in the wake of the Gulf oil spill. Jindal's image, of course, took a battering after his 2009 rebuttal to President Obama's State of the Union address, where the Governor came across as a parody of a 1950s sitcom child as opposed to a chief executive of a state.
No word on how his support for the "guns in church" bill will harm his image, but the hypocrisy of denouncing gay adoption as unsafe for kids, while allowing loaded weapons inside Sunday School seems somewhere between ludicrous and laughable.
We know from study after study after study that children raised by gay and lesbian parents do really well in life. We also know from study after study after study that when kids are exposed to lots of guns, bad things happen.
Clearly, Jindal's got his priorities. But priority number one certainly isn't looking out for Louisiana's children.
Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons

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